I have completed my second wordpress plugin 😀
This one is a Zune widget which basically enables the user to display their basic zune stats i.e. Top artists, fav tracks and recently played tracks
Download Link
**** Things to do ****
Allow user to choose amount to display rather than static to 5
Link to album/artist page
Great plugin, I wish there were more people integrating zune social stuff into other sites – and I wish MS would open a real API.
It works fine on 2.7, however your PHP references a zs.css which doesn’t exist. Maybe this will help it look better?
you should make one for 2.9- this plug in would be perfect for me, except I can’t use it 🙁
Im definitaly going to re-visit this plugin
I was able to get Zune Stats to work with the latest Word Press application, but only “Recently Played” and “Most Played Artists” is populated with data — “Recent Favourites” is not being populated with data. Could the name for “Recent Favourites” have changed in the Zune API or Zune XML file? I have limited programming knowledge, but is there a quick fix I can make manually myself to get the data to populate for “Recent Favourites”?
Whats your website link your using the plugin on?